Greatness Guide 2 by Robin Sharma

The lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul.

Gurpreet Dhariwal


Greatness Guide 2 by Robin Sharma is about how one can make his/her dreams come true by extraordinarily doing ordinary things.

A long time back, I read his other book “Who will cry, When you Die”, and after that I picked “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” and to be honest out of these two books, I didn’t like latter book. I couldn’t relate to it.

Greatness Guide 2 talks about everything that one can apply both in a profession and personal life. It has become one of the best books I happened to read and I’ll soon be buying its first part too.

The reason I read the second part first because I got it as my birthday gift.

I am going to share the most likeable and valuable excerpts I have found in this book and I am trying my best to implement them in my life. I hope you all find them useful too.

1) There will never be a better you than you.

2) It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half of the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what may happen.

3) What you resist will persist & what you befriend, will transcend.



Gurpreet Dhariwal

Author of Four books. Domestic Violence Survivor, Domestic Violence Counsellor @BTSADV, Sketcher, Dog Lover, Poet.