How to Remain Ever Happy by Er. M.K. Gupta

It doesn’t matter to whom you are hurting all does matter is that you are not feeling like them.

Gurpreet Dhariwal


In 2005 I was 19 years old, and I happened to read this book. I found it an interesting one because I used to be a pessimist in my life.

And for a negative thinker like me, this book was a good experience to learn so many great things in life.

I discovered when someone suggested anything good to me I didn’t take it seriously because I was not in the stage of believing them in the worst condition of my life. But as I grew up, I realized suggestions didn’t come always at the worst time; they came to me at the right time. It completely depended on my outlook how I took them positively or negatively.

And what about Happiness?

Happiness is something we all strive for. Isn’t it?

And at 34, I can firmly say we can find happiness everywhere in this whole world. Some people might be thinking, “Is it necessary to find Happiness”? But as far as I think my response is “Yes.”

Until and unless you don’t know what you want from your life how can you be a happy person? I used to be so depressed and unhappy in my life, but that was a time when I’d suffered a lot due to many…



Gurpreet Dhariwal

Author of Four books. Domestic Violence Survivor, Domestic Violence Advocate @BTSADV, Sketcher, Dog Lover, Poet.