My First Encounter with Covid19

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”― Friedrich Nietzsche

Gurpreet Dhariwal


Farbsynthese | Pixabay

“You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” ― Marcus Aurelius

On 8th April around 7:30 pm, I came after my bike ride. I was sitting on the bed with my mother when I complained to her about soreness in my thighs. I was already feeling the body heat. I didn’t have any idea then it was Covid19 I was going to encounter in the next 7 days.

The next day, I visited my family doctor, and he gave me antibiotics and I completed 5 days course. He was considering it the seasonal flu, but he recommended the COVID test to me and my parents as we all are living together on the same roof. We didn’t appear for it.

11th April my parents complained about the fever and weakness in their body. I took them to the doctor and by this time I was sure it was COVID because my body pain was gone but the fever didn’t stop. It followed a very strange pattern of hitting me around 2 am with 102 or 103 temperatures and in the daytime, it was hardly there.

Thankfully my father didn’t have high fever symptoms, but my mother was suffering like me. On 14th April we all appeared for the COVID test and our report came “Detected.” The same day I consulted my…



Gurpreet Dhariwal

Author of Four books. Domestic Violence Survivor, Domestic Violence Counsellor @BTSADV, Sketcher, Dog Lover, Poet.